This couple's son recently passed from drowning, and this video reveals the strength only the Lord can provide. It spoke to me in an amazing way, I pray it does the same for you.
If you have time, check out his other videos too. He has a lot of good things to share about God's love.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Firefly Fun
We didn't have power for quite a while tonight so we let Elaina stay up later than usual and before she laid down to bed we went out back to visit the fireflies. We must have hundreds of them just in our backyard and the couple that back up to ours. It is so beautiful watching them flicker all over the place. Elaina thought it was so cool. She didn't care catching them either. There are so many, all you have to do is slowly move your hand around for a few seconds and before you know it. . . one's landed right on your hand. It was such a sweet time. I'm going to have to let her stay up later more often this summer. Her little voice saying, "fireflies are so nice mom, they like me mom, I like them too." is just so sweet. Oh the simple things that bring so much joy!
Sunday, June 14, 2009
exhausting weekend
I finally saved up enough money to buy a play set for Elaina and Jack. Elaina loves to climb, slide, swing, and be outside. We aren't 100% finished building it yet, but very close. I'd say 95% finished. We either lost a bolt or it was missing, so we have one bolt to attach to a bottom support piece and then stake it to the ground. J.J worked so hard putting it together. I wish I could have helped more than I did, but I had to also take care of Elaina and Jack too. We probably would have finished a couple hours earlier, but it took about 13 hours. We started Saturday late afternoon and worked until dark and then again mid-afternoon on Sunday til dark. Long and exhausting is all I have to say. I can't wait to hear what comes out of Elaina's mouth tomorrow when she sees it and actually gets to play on it.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Oh There You Are!
So I tried to do something productive today and clean out my car. I wish I could say I am a neat and tidy person, but I'm creative and "they" say creative people aren't neat and tidy. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it. So anyway, I thought I'd gain a few laughs by letting you know a few of the items I found during the clean out. Here goes. . .
*4 plastic bowls
*3 plastic cups
*2 bottle lids
*4 pairs of Elaina's shoes (granted these were the uncomfortable ones that she "obviously" didn't wear much.)
*4 winter hats
*a pair of gloves
*one of Jack's jackets, one of my jackets, and two of Elaina's jackets
* four random socks of Elaina's without their match (What!?)
*5 toy balls
*etc. . . etc. . . etc
I collected two wal-mart bags of trash, one target bag of toys, and one target bag of dishes and clothing items: (all were busting at the seams might I add)
Not to mention that a hungry person could have at least eaten enough crumbs to get by for a few hours.
Wow! I am a slob. . .a filthy. . . disgusting. . . SLOB!
:) I'll let you know what I end up finding next year at my "annual" car cleaning :0 lol
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Yesterday Jack fell out of his crib. I should have moved his mattress down sooner, but he just started pulling up to standing the other day so I thought I had at least a day or two. Well, I thought wrong. Fortunately, he is fine. J.J and I felt horrible! Needless to say, J.J moved his mattress down to the very bottom notch right away. Jack is so funny how he just starts doing stuff. . . I mean he doesn't really give us much warning. He went from barely ever rolling over to pushing himself up, to sitting on his own, to rocking on his hands and knees for a day and then crawling three or four crawls, then pulling to his knees the very next day. It all just started happening so fast. I thought I was going to be lucky and not have to worry about him moving everywhere for awhile. . . Wrong! Well I at least got 9 months of not much moving :)

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