Read this title after pulling it out of the mailbox last week.
Folk tales aren't typically my favorite but the title stopped me in my tracks. . .
Tending the seeds . . . ready for the harvest. . . I have sensed so much lately about preparing for the harvest. . . still processing bit by bit. . . not sure what all the Lord is working together in my heart.
We have had many weeks filled with happiness and smiles. Sure bumps in the road occur, but for the most part we have enjoyed seeing life in this one.
We entered into our third round of new infused chemo this week and second round of oral chemo. Much MUCH rougher on this warrior. . . . we are getting tired of this battle. . . . extremely weak body tries to play and be a 6 year old child. . . Oh does she try. Not much more than a few steps and a few minutes of play and she heads herself back to her cozy, safe, and warm bed so she can try to rest. Her Daddy and I struggle too as we see this tender, pale princess. . . . Her mornings are starting off with getting sick and throwing up and followed by lots of sleep.
We have all been shedding tears this week.
Praying like I've never prayed . . .
learning to love in new ways.
Another side effect she's been experiencing is sadness. . . .
roller coaster of emotions. . .
The Lord sees and knows her desires. He has not forgotten her. . .
Tear Catcher. . .
We are sad and tired. . .
We will wait on him . . .
His compassion is new each morning. . . Great is your faithfulness. Lamentations 3:23
Please pray she gains her strength back and her days are filled with play again.