This week has been filled . . . overflowing with wonder. . . excitement. . .
joy . . .
love. . . .gifts.
This time of year is so easy to get consumed. . . overwhelmed with the commercialism. . . gifts. Kids are constantly being asked, "what is Santa bringing you for Christmas?". . . "Have you been good this year?". . . along with many other distractions. . .
It makes it difficult to keep our focus on the true meaning of Christmas.
Desiring for this year's to look different for us. . .
I asked with an expectant heart. . .
and He got to work at uncovering the beauty underneath the hard, dry mess.
making sure to protect our "faith" eyes from whatever debri that might come our way.
Revealing to us many GIFTS we already have. . . FAMILY . . .
LOVE. . .
Digging through the mess can be scary. . .
But I'm trying to remember that God will use my broken. . . messiness. And it'll be a lot easier if I let loose and just let him chip away the ugly and reveal the treasure that is buried inside.
We are so blessed and have much to be thankful for! We have already received the most precious gift of all. . . So no matter what we can or can't give, I don't want to forget the gift of LOVE. . . and know that it's always something I can choose to keep to myself. . . or lavish on others.
The week is nearing the end and it seems the gifts just keep coming. . . MRI showed no change again. PRAISE God for protecting our warrior and restoring this princess.