Saturday, July 18, 2015

Tear Catcher

When we began our journey through the valley we had no idea what God would do with us or show us . . . and when those chapters ended we didn't know what would come next.  .  . our hearts grieve more often than ever for others walking through their valley . . . the ache is deeper, it's hard to describe. . . it just hurts. . . deep!
Tonight we are grieving over the loss of a sweet boy Joseph.  My flesh is screaming, "he's too young, this isn't fair, I hate cancer!" just to name a few.  His smile was contagious and he touched many lives.  He will be missed by so many.  

Elaina's heart broke when we told her. . . her weeping broke me. . . as her Daddy wrapped his arms around her I prayed . . .

that this brokenness would continue to mold us. . . that the love we can offer will be more like the love of Christ. that our focus can be Kingdom fixed and that we wouldn't lose our wonder. . .

Our hope is in His promises…it is our anchor!! Our desire is to seek Him. . . in every season. No matter  our feelings His promises still remain! He remains unshakeable no matter how shaken and shattered we feel He is our LIVING HOPE!

We can bring our FEARS. . . our HURT. . . our TEARS! There is NO condemnation in Christ Jesus!
God holds all our tears. . . Psalm 56:8 
    You keep track of all my sorrows.

    You have collected all my tears in your bottle.
    You have recorded each one in your book.

Lord, we pray that this family feels Your loving presence. . . that they feel the strength of your Spirit within them. . . that they are reminded of Your promises. . . . and that rivers of peace flood their hearts.