Friday, January 8, 2010

My Day Off

Yeah for snow days! I love being a teacher. I love being a mom even more which makes snow days that much sweeter. Not only do I get to stay home from "work" I get to spend time with my kiddos.
During my youngest child's morning nap I got inspired and worked on a very short project. I was visiting some of my favorite "make-stuff" blogs. You can find them on the right side of the screen under "my blog list." I had this old sweater that has been in the "good will" box forever and I just didn't know if I really wanted to get rid of it or not. It didn't fit me right so I knew I would never wear it. Well, I had an idea after looking at the other blogs. Here it is.

I cut the sleeves off first. I turned up the wrist end and sewed it. I turned in the upper end and sewed elastic around it. I haven't sewn with elastic for a while so I don't think I did it the best way but it'll work. And there it was . . . leggings. Sometimes Elaina doesn't want to wear the stuff I make for her :( but she liked these.
Then I got another idea! The leggings kept slipping down and I thought. . . leg warmers! So I pinned an adorable crocheted flower a friend made me (handmade baby gifts link under blog list) just below the knee. CUTE! I don't know why I think these are so cute but I just love them. Total time invested? 18 minutes! Can you believe it? It took me longer to post this than make the leggings if you can believe that.


  1. Oh Shea, what a neat idea! And they look really good.

    I love "Make it and Love It" too. Wish I could sew.

    Now take the rest of that sweater and make it a pillow cover...I've seen a lot of people do that too.

  2. What a great idea! I haven't even thought of that. I've been thinking though. . . "what can I do with the rest of this sweater." Now I know what I think I'm going to do. And how easy is that going to be!!! Angie, I thought I couldn't sew either (I'm a true beginner) about 4 years ago I found one at a garage sale. She was close to pulling everything in and closing, but I was still looking around. I found it and she had I think $10.00 on it. I also ask people if they'll take less if I'm not sure that I'll use it, so I did. She said, Oh yes $5.00 or just take it. So I gave her $5.00 and took it. I didn't use it for a long time, but decided to give it a try one day. I've used it a ton and love it. I can't figure out how to use all the settings b/c it didn't come with instructions, but one of these days I'm going to buy another and make sure there are instructions.
