Joy filled. . .
This time last year this princess felt trapped in her pain and unaware how to communicate it. Many doctors were puzzled and continued to think nothing was wrong. At quick glance things appeared o.k but looking deep into her eyes Mama could see the pain and sense trouble. March 31st of 2011 we were placed on a roller coaster. God spoke. . . we needed to hold on tight, listen attentively to Him, trust Him at all cost, and speak truth boldly. . . We weren't fully dressed for the battle. . .
so we grabbed our armor, gathered our troops, and went forth.
And like I said, a year later we continue fighting. . . rooted in truth and clung to hope.
Last week we were shown the MRI. Hopeful for the supernatural. . . we looked. . . we listened. . . There was so much to see. Out of the mouth of the dr. came the dreaded words. The words that made me want to cover my ears.
dr's words. . .it's hard to tell for sure but it looks like some small growth. . . followed by a recommendation of changing direction and starting a new chemo. O.K! . . . God's got this! We will not lose our grip on hope. . . we continue to cling. . . .and wait on the Lord.
Just like the steps of a novice walker on tough terrain. . .
we press on one baby step at a time. . . Knowing there will still be temptations to hide and not come out until it's comfortable. . . we will soak in the truth and believe.
Our warrior princess has been on a 4 wk break from the chemo and
like a tree that's been cut down and is sprouting again. . . she blossoms! the new shoots will not fail. . . such a beautiful sight.
as remnants catch the wind and bald spots reflect the light . . . a body that feels alive chooses freedom. . . A princess that feels free to just let the pieces dance.
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