Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Renewed Strength

September is a month filled with memories. . .
It is crazy to think about this time four years ago.  Thinking about the memories brings emotions on like a Tsunami. . . And if I'm not careful I can be overtaken by them quickly. 

 It was in September 4 years ago when we realized Elaina was going to have to have a second major brain surgery. . . 
it was in September 4 years ago, when we embarked on our first year of homeschooling. . . 
it was in September 4 years ago when we got the phone call that shook me to my core, that Elaina had an inoperable brain tumor that was actively shutting down her nervous system, . .  
it was in September 4 years ago when we had our first official Oncologist appointment. . . 
it was in September 4 years ago when we met the crew of nurses and staff from ETCH that would care for us and love on us in new ways. . . 
September is also awareness month for pediatric cancer. Needless to say, LOTS of memories . . .

 tears. . . 

many moments of wanting to play but not finding the energy. . . 

new battle wounds. . .

too many pokes to count . . . 

friends we can't wait to see again . . . 

missing spending time with the other smalls

I was the hardest Month of my life, but don't misunderstand.  I would not be who I am today without the trials, heartache, tears, fear, etc. There were so many good moments too. . . 

Witnessing the power of prayer. . . 

soaking in all the moments of "play" . . . 

outpouring love from friends

constantly reminding me to not lose hope. . .

and most importantly we were blessed to feel the presence of the Lord reminding us. . . 

"but those who hope in the Lord
    will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
    they will run and not grow weary,

    they will walk and not be faint."

I remember several times struggling to put one foot in front of the other, feeling weaker than ever. . . those were the times I took my eyes off Jesus and tried to do it myself.  

Well now I sit here . . . September. . . and the next MRI is quickly approaching.  The last 2 have been better than what the doctors expected,  So, I should not be concerned. . .  my faith should be firmly planted b/c this is familiar territory. . .  right?! But to be perfectly honest, I don't know that these routine MRIs will ever be easy.  This journey has been very trying. . . So often I want to just crawl under the bed, suck my thumb and never come out. .. Trying to keep it real ;) But even now,  a verse comes to mind. . . "the testing of my faith produces perseverance and to let perseverance finish its work so that I may be mature and complete lacking nothing." "When I am afraid, I put my trust in YOU" and my strength is again renewed! God is so good!  Thank you for praying!